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History And Geography

Cyprus: An Ancient Land in the Mediterranean

History and Geography

Cyprus, officially the Republic of Cyprus, is an enchanting island nation located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Its strategic position has shaped its rich history, dating back over 11,000 years. As one of the world's oldest civilizations, Cyprus boasts a fascinating tapestry of influences, from the ancient Greeks and Romans to the Ottomans and British.

Geographically, Cyprus is a beautiful and diverse island. Its terrain ranges from coastal plains to rugged mountains, and its crystal-clear waters are interspersed with picturesque bays and beaches. The island is home to diverse flora and fauna, including native plants and animals only found in Cyprus.

Surrounding Countries and Borders

As an island, Cyprus has no neighboring countries in the traditional sense. However, it does share maritime borders with various nations. To the north, it borders Turkey, while to the east and south, it borders Syria, Lebanon, and Israel. The closest point between Cyprus and Turkey is just 60 kilometers (37 miles). Cyprus also has exclusive economic zones in the Mediterranean Sea, extending its territorial claims beyond its immediate coastline.

Physical Features

Cyprus' physical geography is characterized by its mountainous terrain and stunning coastline. The Troodos Mountains dominate the central and western parts of the island, reaching an elevation of 1,952 meters (6,404 feet) at Mount Olympus, the highest point in Cyprus. The mountains provide a dramatic backdrop to the coastal areas, which feature sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and picturesque harbors. The island also boasts several rivers, including the Pedieos, Yialias, and Diarizos, which play a vital role in the island's water supply and agriculture.

International Borders

Cyprus' international borders are defined by the 1960 Treaty of Guarantee, which established the Republic of Cyprus. The treaty also created two Sovereign Base Areas (SBAs) that are under British sovereignty: Akrotiri and Dhekelia. The SBAs cover approximately 3% of the island's land area and are located in the south and southeast.


